nonprofit blog

Nonprofit work should be regenerative—not just for communities, but for the people driving the mission. Let’s ensure those who serve feel nourished, inspired, and empowered.

Personal Growth, Career Michelle Flores Vryn Personal Growth, Career Michelle Flores Vryn

Fundraising Foundations: What I Wish I Knew Starting Out

In fundraising, entering the field can be both exhilarating and daunting. Drawing inspiration from the insights shared by industry professionals, I've distilled a collection of both mine and their invaluable lessons for those embarking on their fundraising journey.

Embracing Imperfection and Opportunity in Your First Role

Real talk: the initial step into fundraising seldom presents the perfect job scenario. Yet, this phase holds immense potential for exploration and self-discovery!

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Personal Growth, Career Michelle Flores Vryn Personal Growth, Career Michelle Flores Vryn

Avoiding Career Stagnation: The Houseplant Metaphor for Professional Growth

“You know those houseplants that have been in a pot too long? When you take them out of the pot, you see the coils of roots circling around and around, just barely wedging in the container. That’s how I feel here.”

I told a coworker this once to describe how stagnation felt in a past role. Houseplants confined to a small pot may not necessarily die. They can survive, but their growth is minimal, and gradually, they begin to look quite forlorn. This is a powerful illustration of what happens when we stay too long in a role that no longer challenges us or offers room for advancement.

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Personal Growth, Career Michelle Flores Vryn Personal Growth, Career Michelle Flores Vryn

Fool-proof Wayfinding to Your Ideal Job

Did you know 70% of people are unsatisfied with their jobs? That’s pretty shocking. Is that your story, but on repeat? Been there! After feeling a bit lost in my own career, I created a reflection exercise. I am sharing it so you can stop guessing what your dream job is. Instead, put real definition around it.

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