Crafting Effective Donor Survey Questions: Insights from Oregon Food Bank
When it comes to understanding and enhancing donor relationships, one of the most effective tools at a nonprofit's disposal is the donor survey. The Oregon Food Bank offers a prime example of how to craft survey questions that provide meaningful insights. These inquiries are designed not just to gather data but to probe deeper into the donor experience, helping to strengthen the connection between your org and its supporters!
The questions utilize a Likert Scale ranging from 1 to 4, with options like "Strongly Agree," "Somewhat Agree," "Somewhat Disagree," and "Strongly Disagree." This scale offers a nuanced view of the donor's attitudes and perceptions.
Here are some insightful questions to consider:
"In my relationship with [your nonprofit], I am treated like a valued member of our community ending hunger and hunger’s root causes." (Substitute with your mission as necessary)
"I am treated like just another financial transaction."
"I feel heard and cared for by the staff."
"The staff appear curious about me as a whole person – not just curious about my financial support."
"I receive communications from [your nonprofit] that are educational and thought-provoking."
These questions are tailored to go beyond the superficial aspects of donor interaction. They delve into how donors perceive their experience – whether as valued community members or mere financial contributors. They explore the depth of the relationship, gauging whether donors feel cared for and acknowledged beyond their monetary contributions. And if they are wanting more in-depth information on how to get involved, this will tip you off!
By incorporating such questions into your surveys, you can tap into a more creative and effective approach to understanding donor affinity and experience. This, in turn, can inform your strategies for donor engagement, communication, and overall relationship building, ensuring a more robust and mutually beneficial connection between your organization and its crucial supporters.
Check out more donor survey tactics from the Oregon Food Bank here.
Michelle Flores Vryn, CFRE is a nonprofit leader, fundraiser and consultant. She is recognized as an engaging speaker, teacher and writer on how to accelerate nonprofit impact through sustainable growth. You can reach out to her for speaking engagements and trainings.
Connect with Michelle on LinkedIn and check out her [re]generative nonprofit blog for more insights on the social sector.