The Ultimate Career Reflection Guide: Discover Your Ideal Job Traits
Did you know 70% of people are unengaged and/or unsatisfied with their jobs? So that means most of us feel lost at some point in the career path. After feeling a bit lost myself, I created this reflection exercise.
Use it to uncover what traits make up your ideal role.
Step 1: List Your Jobs
Materials Needed:
Dry erase or virtual board
Paper or virtual sticky note
Markers in two different colors
Action: List out all of your jobs you've had throughout your career.
Personally, I would only list the ones that feel significant, so you can leave off internships and the like if they did not meaningfully impact your career
Step 2: Identify Highs and Lows
Action: In a different pen color and out to the side of each job listings, identify:
a High (something you loved about the job, an aspect that stood out positively)
a Low (something you really did not like about the job)
Note: it is possible that some jobs may not have a High. That happened to me for one role.
Step 3: Analyze Trends
Action: Step back and examine your Highs and Lows across all jobs. Are there patterns in what consistently made you happy or unhappy in these roles? For me, I was most happen when I had freedom to actually do the work and was less pressured pull off 2 month miracles (alas, it is a common request in fundraising).
This will help you understand your core preferences and aversions in a work setting.
Step 4: Define Top Traits of Your Ideal Role
Action: Based on your reflection, make a list of the 'Top 5 Traits of My Ideal Role'. Consider aspects like:
Salary range
Individual contributor vs. team manager
Mission or cause area
Large team or small team
Detailing: Be as specific as possible to ensure clarity in what you're seeking.
Step 5: Identify Non-Negotiable Traits
Action: From your list of Top 5 Traits, identify 2-3 traits that are non-negotiable for you.
Highlight these non-negotiable traits with an asterisk or in a different color.
These are the absolute must-haves in your next role.
Step 6: Place Your List in a Handy Spot
Keep the Ideal Job profile at your desk. Use it as a guide while evaluating job descriptions and opportunities online.
This assessment acts as your 'North Star' in the job search, helping you navigate towards roles that are more likely to bring satisfaction and fulfillment.
With a decision as important as picking a job, don’t leave anything to chance.
Get clear on what makes you happy and, when given the chance, do not settle!
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